Sign Up and Access:
Visit the Walling website and sign up for a free account.
Alternatively, download the Walling app from the App Store or Google Play Store to access it on your mobile device.
Create a New Wall:
After logging in, click on the "New Wall" button to start a new project or idea space.
Name your wall appropriately to reflect its purpose.
Add Sections to Your Wall:
Within your wall, create sections to categorize your content.
Sections can represent different phases of a project, categories of information, or any other logical grouping.
Add Bricks to Sections:
In each section, add "bricks" to input content such as text notes, images, links, files, checklists, or bulleted lists.
Double-click anywhere in a section to start writing or use the "+" button to add different types of content.
Organize and Rearrange Content:
Drag and drop bricks within sections or between sections to organize your ideas visually.
Use color-coding to highlight important bricks or to categorize information for quick reference.
Switch Between Views:
Utilize different section views such as Visual Board, Table, List, or Calendar to manage your content effectively.
For example, use the Calendar view to schedule tasks or the Table view to manage detailed information.
Collaborate with Team Members:
Invite team members to your wall by clicking the "Share" button and entering their email addresses.
Assign tasks, leave comments, and collaborate in real-time to keep everyone aligned.
Use Walling AI for Idea Generation:
Leverage Walling's AI capabilities to generate ideas, tasks, images, tables, and other content.
Simply ask Walling AI what you want to organize or manage, and it will assist in creating the necessary content.
Customize Your Workspace:
Adjust the appearance of your walls by selecting different themes and backgrounds to suit your preferences.
Use the "Customize" option to personalize your workspace for a more engaging experience.
Access Your Walls on the Go:
Download the Walling app on your mobile device to add new ideas and manage your walls while on the move.
The mobile app ensures you can capture inspiration anytime, anywhere, keeping your projects up to date.